




MRVision Version 1.6.8 Release Notes

    Changes/New Features from version 1.6.6

    1. Improved support for Bruker format images
    2. Improved window repaint performance for LINUX systems
    3. New macro variables $image, $series, $exam, $te, $tr, $ti, $sliceloc, $path, $mrvdir are substituted for the corresponding values during execution of a macro or image processing command.
      $path is the path (minus the file name) for the current image. $mrvdir is substituted for the current directory shown in the path field at the top of the main MRVision window.
    4. New macro functions setxvar, setsvar to set floating point or string variables. Macro variables A..Z can now be integer, floating point or string variables.
    5. New arguments to the "macro" command: verbose (default) prints the current commands onto the command line and silent which suppresses this text output while macros are running.
    6. Image processing function "clamp" now allows arguments to specify the pixel intensity range
    7. TIFF files now support for output on IRIX version, SGI's RGB file format is no longer supported
    8. Fixed image preview bug on xfer module
    9. Fixed font display bug on IRIX version
    10. Added function to save "keyfile", text file containing the filenames of loaded images, and their positions on the screen, if displayed.
    11. Fixed bug reading GE screen-save DICOM images 3samples/pixel
    12. MRI perfusion fitting programs: new optional input parameter [Skip] skips specified points at the start of the bolus curve (default 2).
    13. New image fitting functions IR T1-B: same as IR T1 but allowing for incomplete inversion/recovery.
    14. ROI -> Threshold mode now includes an option to save the boundary lines (save ROI)
    15. New Misc. properties item allows an ROI defined in Polygon mode to be retained when switching to Threshold mode, and vica versa.


MRVision Version 1.6.6 Release Notes

    Changes/New Features from version 1.6.4

    1. Fixed various bugs in Bruker image import
    2. Improved window repaint performance for LINUX systems
    3. New macro variables $patname, $patid substituted for patient name and id during execution of a macro or image
      processing command.Improved support for Bruker format images
    4. Improved window repaint performance for LINUX systems
    5. New macro variables $image, $series, $exam, $te, $tr, $ti, $sliceloc, $path, $mrvdir are substituted for the corresponding values during execution of a macro or image processing command.
      $path is the path (minus the file name) for the current image. $mrvdir is substituted for the current directory shown in the path field at the top of the main MRVision window.
    6. New macro functions setxvar, setsvar to set floating point or string variables. Macro variables A..Z can now be integer, floating point or string variables.
    7. New arguments to the "macro" command: verbose (default) prints the current commands onto the command line and silent which suppresses this text output while macros are running.
    8. Image processing function "clamp" now allows arguments to specify the pixel intensity range
    9. TIFF files now support for output on IRIX version, SGI's RGB file format is no longer supported
    10. Fixed image preview bug on xfer module
    11. Fixed font display bug on IRIX version
    12. Added function to save "keyfile", text file containing the filenames of loaded images, and their positions on the screen, if displayed.
    13. Fixed bug reading GE screen-save DICOM images 3samples/pixel
    14. MRI perfusion fitting programs: new optional input parameter [Skip] skips specified points at the start of the bolus curve (default 2).
    15. New image fitting functions IR T1-B: same as IR T1 but allowing for incomplete inversion/recovery.
    16. ROI -> Threshold mode now includes an option to save the boundary lines (save ROI)
    17. New Misc. properties item allows an ROI defined in Polygon mode to be retained when switching to Threshold mode, and vica versa.


MRVision Version 1.6.4 Release Notes

    Changes/New Features from version 1.6

    1. Corrected bug in ROI integration/segmentation routines for non-square display boxes.
    2. Added support for Bruker format images.
    3. Corrected bug reading exam/series number from GE Signa files.
    4. Added new image processing commmad 'hcp' to copy old headers (e.g. Signa format image headers) from one image to another.
    5. Fitting Diffusion Tensor fitting function can now output all 3 eigenvector components.
    6. Fixed bug displaying on 24bit LINUX screens with 24 bits-per-pixel.


MRVision Version 1.6 Release Notes

    Changes/New Features from version 1.5.7

    1. MRVision is now compatible with 24-bit screens, using truecolor visuals.
      For screens that can support both 8-bit pseudocolor, and 24-bit truecolor visuals, the default is to select the 8-bit visual, unless the "-24bit" command line option is given.
    2. A color print option has been added, to support color postscript printers.
    3. There is a new "Print" popup window that appears when "print" is chosen. This window now controls the various printing options (although the default print command and dimensions are still set under miscellaneous properties).
      A new option has been added to print "Displayed Images" which prints a rectangular area of the main MRVision display window that contains all currently displayed images (e.g. if images are only displayed in the top 2 rows for a 4x4 layout, only those 2 rows are printed).
      There is also an option to print to a file, rather then a printer. In addition, there is a new "printers" menu which allows easy selection from a series of predefined printers.
      The list of printers is read from the text file "mrvision.printers" which contains a list of the print commands to be used (e.g. "lp ?d ptr1" or "lpr ?Pptr1").
      That file is loaded on startup from the current directory, the users home directory or from /usr/mrvision/lib.
    4. The "Print Orientation" item has been removed from the miscellaneous properties menu: and is now controlled from the print popup box.
    5. Two new items in the miscellaneous properties menu allow control of the number of lines in the file listings in the "Load as" and "Save as" windows.
      Changes to these parameters only come into effect after the properties file is saved and MRVision is restarted using the new properties file.
      On a standard screen only 25-30 lines of file listing will fit before the window becomes too large to fit on the screen.
    6. A new option has been added to the "Save as" window when saving data in raw (i.e. no header) binary format, that allows byte swapping in the output data.
    7. Two new annotation items have been added to allow display of exam, series and image number, and TE, TR and TI for MRI images.
    8. The "complex" image processing function has been updated to accept as arguments real/imaginary or magnitude/phase pairs when generating a complex image from two magnitude images.
    9. In the ROI tool, threshold mode, a bug has been fixed which previously allowed the seeded region to 'leak' through the boundary when drawn with a box cursor.
    10. In the ROI tool, threshold mode, boundary lines drawn on images are now retained when the image is re-displayed.
      A new panel button "Erase line" allows the most recently draw line, or all lines to be erased.


MRVision Version 1.5.7 Release Notes

    Changes/New Features from version 1.5.6

    1. New file formats supported :
      Siemens Vision format.
      "bshort" and "bfloat" simple binary/header file format.
    2. New command line option to override the default configuration location.
      -confdir dir
      where dir is the path of the mrvision installation (normally /usr/mrvision)
    3. An additional option has been added to the Tolerance" menu for automatic thresholding in the ROI tool :
      Percent mean" mode is the same as Percent" mode except that pixels are included in the ROI if they fall within ± n % of the mean pixel value within the cursor rectangle.
    4. New image processing functions :
      a) "Perfusion(CT): polynomial", identical to the "Perfusion: polynomial" function except that it is intended for CT rather than MRI data.
      b) "Perfusion(CT): gamma variate", identical to the "Perfusion: gamma variate" function except that it is intended for CT rather than MRI data.
      c) "Diffusion: Trace" calculates the ADC Trace from sets of 3 orthoginally weighted diffusion images.


MRVision Version 1.5.6 Release Notes

    Changes/New Features from version 1.5.5

    1. New file formats supported :
      Omega files supported for input for Solaris, IRIX and LINUX versions.
      Analyze format files supported for input and output. Orientation is determined by the command line -aview xyzt" argument.
      DICOM files with lossless JPEG compression (default JPEG transfer syntax).
    2. New keyboard shortcut 'crtl e' auto-scales the current image (or group).
    3. Additional annotation items: group and patient id. added to the annotation panel.
    4. Three new options added to 'secure_mrvision' utility.
    5. Fixed bugs in diffusion tensor calculation if more or less than 6 gradient directions are specified.
    6. Updates to MRVision command line arguments. (mrvision -u prints out the current list).


MRVision Version 1.5.5 Release Notes

    Changes/New Features from version 1.5.2

    1. Updates to the "load as" popup window.
      Dragging with the mouse over the file list selects multiple files.
      A range of files can be selected using the 'shift' key:
      Select a name from the list, then, while holding down the 'shift' key, select a second name from a different position on the list and all filenames between the first and second name will automatically selected.
      This function also works in reverse, i.e. to deselect a range of names when all the names are already selected.
      To load the selected files, just click on the load" button as usual.
      Holding down the shift or control key while selecting a directory automatically loads all the files in that directory.
      Option to turn on and off automatic display of images as they are loaded
      Option to suppress error messages when file format cannot be automatically determined.
      Option to automatically group images by various criteria as they are loaded in.
    2. A security feature has been added to MRVision. The program secure_mrvision", which must be run by the superuser (root) allows suppression of the display of any patient identification information by MRVision.
      This is intended to allow for blinded review of medical images.
    3. A new miscellaneous properties item Place image at…." has been added: values are either "pointer position" or "current box" which affects where images will be displayed on the screen when the image index number is typed in on the keyboard.
      Choosing "pointer position" (default) allows one to type any desired image number then click with the mouse at the position where this image should displayed.
      Choosing "current box" will always display an image selected in this way at the position of the current display box, no matter where the mouse is.
    4. The "Auto propagate" scaling values option moved from the miscellaneous properties list to the "Scaling" popup window.
    5. In the "Scaling" window, changing the scaling mode Global/Group/Individual automatically redisplays the images on the screen if "Auto propagate" has been selected.
    6. A new option has been added to the "Scaling" window. "Auto Apply" automatically applies the window/level settings to the current image or current group (depending on the scaling mode) whenever the window/level is changed.
      This is now the default setting, but can be changes by deselecting "Auto apply" and the saving the properties.
    7. A "description" item has been added to the list of on-screen annotation options on the annotation tool.
      "description displays a brief message about what the image is on the screen within each display box.
      This description is read from the header of certain image files (currently only GE Signa 5.x format images).
    8. New button on "Save as…" panel to create a new directory.


MRVision Version 1.5.2 Release Notes

    Changes/New Features from version 1.5

    1. New image processing function 'cv' calculates the pixel by pixel coefficient of variation of a series of images.
    2. New group options, by row or column of the displayed image grid.
    3. New selection options, Rn Cn to select Row or Column n of the displayed image grid for image processing and other functions.
    4. New image fitting function 'smooth step'.
    5. Fixed bug in polynomial perfusion fitting re. rCBF calculation.
      Also included a way to detect automatially pixels with no significant signal change (peak change < max. change during baseline pixels) and set output TTP, rMTT to max values, and zero rCBV, rCBF.
    6. New image fitting function 'diffusion tensor'.
      Also, the old 'anisotropy' image processing function has been removed.
    7. New macro variables $mims, $mstart, $mcount useful in macros operating on multiple images. Also 26 integer variables $A .. $Z.
    8. New image processing function 'setvar' for setting the macro variables $A.. $Z.
    9. New macro function 'setimnum' sets the image number (e.g. for GE signa headers)
    10. Fixed bug in color map allocation for 24bit color screens using default trucolor visuals.
      As a result the default font in certain popup windows may appear slightly smaller.
    11. Fixed bug in headers when saving multiple images in GE Signa 5.x format.
      The image number in the header is now set to the image count in the series of images being saved (i.e. 1..n when saving n images)
    12. New ROI option in 'threshold' mode. "Multi-areas" allows automatic filling disconnected regions in theimage that also fall within the intensity range defined atthe seed point.
      Drawing a boundary line will still limit the filling of multiple ROIs to within the boundary region.
    13. New option in macro 'save' function, to save images in GE Signa 5.x format.
      (NB initial image must be in 5.x format too).
    14. In macro operations when using the 'fit' command: a value of -1 for the noise level will automatically determine the noise threshold from the first image being processed.
    15. In the 'save as' popup window: 'current group' has been added as an option, to save all images in the current group.
    16. New tool, "annotation" allows text to be added in the display area.
      Also controls the appearance of other on-screen information about images, such as slice position, patient name, date etc.
